Field Trips
A field trip to see live theatre is a superb way to give your students a unique bonding experience while exploring life's profound questions. Our plays take on big ideas (many of which are rooted in school curriculum) and provide students with a safe place to let their imaginations rev.
This year, our plays address civil rights, losing a loved one, work ethic, true beauty, simplicity, the challenges of immigrating and being othered, learning to be proud of who you are and who you came from and much more! And, Pollyanna group tickets come with robust study guides and a reading list -- available approximately two weeks before the show -- to help spur discussion and promote critical thinking.
Group ticket pricing details can be found on the attached season document.
Ready to get started? Click below and fill out the form.
Need to pay for your trip? Use a credit card via Paypal, by clicking the link below